LOL, Bye from the Republic

Image by J. J. W. Mezun. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

She could hear footsteps.
She wrapped fingers round her bars.
They still wouldn’t budge.
The door creaked open.
She sees legs robed by pale pants.
As they step forward, she looks upward.
She sees a smiling face,
Sees eyes that looked sunk-in,
Eyes that looked naked without glasses.
She sees the hand rise,
Holding a needle.
The doctor says nothing.
Nobody e’er says anything.
She doesn’t e’en feel the needle when it punctures her skin.
Her eyelids fall, followed by her body,
Followed by quiet snores.
The doctor says eternal sleep is peace;
But they can also be nightmares
She has no power to wake from.


Anethesiologist, crib, step.