Shipping & Handling

Image by pizar almaulidina from Pixabay

She kept her hands stuffed tightly in her pockets to keep them safe as she stood on the edge o’ the ship, staring off @ the waves under the sunset.

Just a few mo’ kilometers & we’ll be there…


* * *


“¡We’ve landed!”

This was what jerked her out o’ her sleep. She rose from her seat & moved quickly to her room to gather her suitcase.

& still her hands kept her pockets protected.

She stepped off the ship onto the crunchy sands o’ Banana Beach. After a few steps, she crouched down & pulled out an almond from her pocket.

“With this foreign fruit, I’ll make 5 times as much per fruit–& my new empire shall be born.”


Almond, Ferryboat, Migrant.

Read ’nother random story ⇒